Palluzzi Health Center is the preferred chiropractic, physical therapy
Palluzzi Heath Center Dr. Edward PalluzziChiropractic, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Massage, Pain ControlConveniently accessible from Middlesex and Monmouth county communities, Palluzzi Health Center is the preferred chiropractic specialist for neck pain, back pain and musculoskeletal injuries. Founded by Dr. Edward Palluzzi over 2 decades ago, the center provides pain relief for patients of all ages. The staff of chiropractic doctors are uniquely certified in Webster Technique for pregnancy/pediatric care and experienced in treating a wide multitude of conditions.The 3,000 square foot facility is warm and inviting for physical therapy patients to rehabilitate and we provide acupuncture and massage therapy services to accelerate healing and overall wellness. Palluzzi Health Center welcomes new patients and many are often referred by other patients. Call our office if you are experiencing an issue and we will try our best to get you back on your feet!
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Interview Q&A
What type of payments do you accept?
Cash, Credit, Insurance, Payment Plans, Financing
Who owns your company or runs daily operations?
Edward Palluzzi
What are your hours of operation?
Mon,Wed,Fri: 8AM-12PM & 2PM-6PM, Tues: 2PM-6PM, Thurs: Closed, Sat: 9:30AM-12PM